Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Focaccia Pizza, Apple Crisp and Red Cat!

On my last trip to Sam's I picked up a package of their "Artisan" garlic/herb focaccia bread. It smelled sooooooo good! Of course, what do I do with it besides just gorging on it's yummy goodness. Welllll... I made a chicken dish and decided it needed garlic cheese bread. I whacked the loaf in half, spread butter on it, sprinkled some Parmesan cheese and freshly shredded mozzarella. The hubby grabbed it first and said, "Focaccia pizza!"  AHA! I guess that is, what it is. And it was soooooooooooo delicious, too! I did notice at a local cafe they recently advertised for "new" focaccia pizza.  It is so easy to make and it tastes amazing. Everyone loved it!

I also had a request to make apple crisp, since there was as bag of apples on the kitchen counter.  I found a recipe for "Apple Brown Betty" in one of my dessert cookbooks and decided to make that. I put it in a 10x13 pan and this was all that was left and only three of us had any. I will say that was a huge success!

And in my continued search for other "sweet" wines, I finally stumbled upon Red Cat. I know this has probably been around for a million years, but, I never had any.  I ordered a glass at a local restaurant and it was delicious! I recently bought some at the liquor store and the hubby and I sucked it down in only a few days. Yeap! We are a couple of wine-os!  Thankfully I bought TWO bottles (and yes, they are huge...)  I haven't tried the White Cat, but, the hubby says it's good.

And last but not least -- my breakfast fail. I have a stainless steel pan that I love, but, there is an art to actually using it.  I have a gas stove and it either is hot or REALLY hot. And I may have stepped away from the kitchen for too many minutes (those darn emails).  Here is this morning's egg debacle:

One scrambled mess, because it burned to the bottom of the pan and one semi save. And of course, the trusty cup of coffee. No breakfast is complete without it!!

If you "like" my Facebook page, you will get reminders to read my rants. In case you wanted a rant reminder. 

That's it for now. Till next time....

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