Monday, April 23, 2012

Good Morning! It's winter. Again.

They said it might happen. But, everyone I spoke with said, "No, no nooooooooooooo... It's going to go more north, south, east west." Well it didn't go north, south, east or west. It plunked down, front and center. Of course this was at 5:15 a.m. and it does sound like it is melting in a hurry.  I thought we were going to be spared this torture. And that, my friends, is what sucks about having summer in March. It was a rotten tease! 

Yesterday, we decided to head out after church and ended up going to Sam's (my favorite store of ALL time!) And we bought some Ciabatta rolls. So instead of wasting all sorts of money at a restaurant we headed home and made sandwiches. They must be God's gift to sandwiches, because they were great! I was bad and didn't get any picture of the final product, but, just trust me -- GREAT!  This isn't the first time I've had it, but, it still amazes me.

And since we were in a bread buying mood, I was searching out this focaccia bread. It wasn't in it's normal artsy fartsy artisan basket, but, that is why it was good the lovely hubby was there. He spotted the table where they were wheelin' and dealin' free samples and, alas, there it was. Crisis averted!  Now I just have to decide how to eat it. Just plain is fantastic, but, so is focaccia pizza. Choices, choices....

Anddddddddddddddd strawberries must be in season in California, cuz they had 2 pound containers for a whopping $4.28. Um yeah! I was all over that!! As you can see there is a serious dent from C#2. She loves, lovessssssssssssssssssssss strawberries. Almost as much as I do..

This movie was recommended to me by a FB friend and I must say I really enjoyed it. It's about a man who is diagnosed with cancer in his late 20's and how he and his best friend deal with the situation.  This movie was very touching and I found myself fighting tears, in a few spots. I know, I want to be like his best friend, except maybe not so crass and foul and all that other stuff. But, that certainly made the movie funny.  But, for you sensitive people out there, BE WARNED!  It's rated "R" for a reason.

Anywhoooo. That is it for this morning. I started early, so who knows what the day will bring.

Till next time....

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