Monday, April 23, 2012

And then there was a two hour delay.

After getting everyone out the door, I looked at the clock and wondered why the children were still outside getting drenched in the rain. I finally looked up closings on the internet. Lo and behold there was a two hour delay.  C#1 and C#2 were more than happy to come in chill for two more hours.

And it still looks like this outside:

The snow plow came up the road about an hour ago.  It is currently snaining (snow/rain.)

In an effort to make the time go by faster, we turned on the TV. C#1 and C#2 wanted to watch "Phineas and Ferb."  I vetoed that idea after watching it for two seconds.  I didn't really want to melt my brain this early in the morning.  Soooooo, I decided on "The Parent Trap." The old one. This movie has always been one of my favorites.

The lovely children will be getting on the bus in an hour, unless they get a snow day. Which I don't foresee happening.

Okay that's it for now. Till next time...


a bit much said...

You had way more snow than we had. Did you see that just a tad west of us, they had about 8 inches?!?

BB said...

Yikes! There was a school cancellation really close to us and they had 6 inches. Thankfully what we had mostly melted by the end of the day.