Saturday, April 14, 2012

And this is what you get when the hubby reads the PB jar.

The BEST peanut butter cookies EVER! You know the ones that Mom always made and you weren't able to replicate (well I was never able to.)   And I even have the recipe to share --- well the link to the recipe that is:

I think I've eaten at least 6, probably, definitely more, but, I'm too embarrassed to count.  If you do make these cookies be sure to NOT overcook. They are supposed to be light, just set, doughy and full of yummy deliciousness.

And guess who isn't making dinner tonight?! ME! We had PB cookies for dinner. C#1 and C#2 are going to be sooooooo jealous!

Till next time...


Ginger said...

I had big Dipper for dinner :-)

BB said...

It sounds like our meals were equally delicious! :)