Saturday, April 21, 2012

Farm Fresh Eggs and a Beggar Cat

I got some excellent eggs from my BFF and decided to make my normal fried eggs breakfast this morning.

So far, so good. Nothing sticking and they are frying up nicely.  But, we all know how things can go south in a matter of seconds!  And thennnnnnnnnnnnnn.....

Viola! Perfect eggs onto the plate! I'm not sure how they worked so well. The freshness, or maybe it was my watching, waiting, petting, you know my normal nicey nice to those evil b@stards (the eggs) that don't usually want to cooperate.  No clue. But, I'm not complaining!

And then the lovely cat decided to come in. He is a bit of a beggar. He has a sixth sense about food. He starts rubbing on your leg and then when he is certain there is something on the counter of interest he puts his paws up on the counter. Which is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo annoying. He usually gets kicked or something.  I have no patience for that!  

I gave the beggar the milk from a bowl of cereal which he dove right into. But, I think he knew there was something better on the horizon (you know the sixth sense I was referring to.) Well, feeling overly generous I decided to give him my egg plate. He had ditched the milk bowl, leaving most of what was in there, in there and was waiting for me to donate my plate.

I wanted to get a picture of his face, but, he would not look up. So being the mean person that I am I took the plate away and got this:

Yeap. He's licking his chops because the egg remnant was so good. I did give the plate back after he cooperated and he proceeded to lick it clean. I could put the plate back into the cupboard and no one would be the wiser. 

Everyone in my family is convinced that this cat would eat us if he could. You've seen that house security commercial where the family buys a panther instead of insurance. Well that would be our cat, if he were any larger. Not that he's mean, but, he has that look about him. I can't explain it.

I do see some resemblance...

Well that's it for this morning. Till next time.....


Ginger said...

You, my friend, are A FREAK.
A funny frrak :)

BB said...

I aim to please. :)

Rob said...

I was stuck with pale yolks, and runny whites from a dozen Surefine eggs. Next Saturday I am gonna sit in your kitchen with that cat.

BB said...

As long as you promise to be patient. ;)