Wednesday, May 2, 2012

To sleep or not to sleep....

That IS the question.

C#2 has a rapidly approaching class trip and I am the "chosen" parent for this adventure.  We have a very large list of things to bring, that must all be packed into one hotel bag, one bus bag and two "off the bus" bags.  It is going to be a very whirlwind trip. We leave super, super early  and come back super, super late the next day.

My question is -- do I go to sleep and hope to catch a few hours of shut eye or just stay awake and hope for some extraordinarily tired-tiredness?! We have to leave the humble abode about an hour after my normal bed time. It is clearly going to be very difficult to go to sleep early, since I don't like to go to bed early. What to do? What to do?

Anyway, onto another subject. Food! I was watching a video blog and they made a "Torta Rustica." I was very, very intrigued. I didn't have many of the inner ingredients, but, felt it was something I could "fudge."  After putting it all together and baking it for nearly an hour this is what happened:

Holy huge! And the picture doesn't do it justice. C#2 was highly impressed. And this is what was inside:

Let me just say it tasted A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had another 1/2 of a piece after devouring a very large first piece. I took many, many liberties. I stayed true with the frozen bread dough, mozzarella cheese, sliced ham and hard salami. And then I subbed in cooked mushrooms, swiss cheese, cheddar cheese, crumbled bacon. The recipe is very forgiving and pliable!  Here's the recipe link:

And then I decided to be the nice wife and make C#1 and the dear hubby a pan of "Apple Betty," since we will be ditching them for a couple days.  Let me just say it was the best batch I ever made. I didn't take picture, because, I posted a picture of the same thing a few blogs ago.

Well that's it for now.  I can already feel the tired-tiredness. Till next time....

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