Saturday, May 12, 2012

This is why I hate cleaning...

I had to clean up a wet mess in my "craft/library/junk/ catch all" room and for some reason have been slightly inspired to maybe finish the job.

What the H-E-double hockey sticks am I thinking?!?!  There are wayyyyyyyyyyy too many boxes of crap down there. 

I did manage to rearrange my scrapbooks and photo albums. I also stuffed my containers of stamps into a more concealed location which allowed me to actually "put away" the photo albums. Of course, before I could do this, I had to hoe out the bazillion books. Which I had stuffed three deep underneath the book shelves. OYE! That was annoying. And of course, I just triple stacked them into the book shelf, but, at least you can sort of get to them now...

It doesn't look tooooo bad, except that there are 4 or 5 boxes of crap in front of the photo shelf. I also put the boxed dvd series into the cleared off book shelf, thus eliminating a couple boxes. 

But, since I cleared out the book cases for dvds, the books are now triple stacked, like I mentioned before. I love "reorganizing" my mess.

And I have now stuffed ALL of these shelves to their complete capacity.  The ultimate goal for this section was to clear a space on the floor in front of the middle pictured shelf. SUCCESS!!  I know it doesn't really look like it's clear, but, believe me, it's clear. I actually cleared out a whole box of scrapbooking albums, pages, covers etc and plunked them to the shelf across the room (see picture.)

And then there is this mess. Believe it or not, at one point in my life I could actually scrapbook here. Spread out the entire album with my pictures, stickers and whatever else I needed and work. Now I can barely clear a space for anything.  Move the scissors and the stickers in the front and that is the space I use for the little stamping I actually do.

C#2 wanted to help me and I asked her to put the 8x10 sheets of paper in the magazine racks. That lasted less than five  minutes and she was officially "bored" with cleaning. Because cleaning is supposed to be fun - duhhhh... *rolling my eyes* 

After a couple hours I had enough of this task. Maybe I will get inspired, again, soon.  I won't hold my breath.  

And guess what this is????

Yes, an empty shampoo container. It has been sitting there for over a week. It is NOT mine. We all have our own shampoo, so I am pretty sure I know who dumped this empty gem on the floor. I am waiting to see how long it takes before someone throws it away. That someone NOT being me. I find it kinda humorous that it is still there.  I will let you know how long it takes to make it's way to the garbage can.

Till next time....

1 comment:

Ginger said...

LOL really??? (Shampoo bottle)
A) do you neeeed all those books??
B) do you read them on a regular basis?
C) will you be reading them in the near future?