Monday, May 7, 2012

"The Lucky One" is definitely a chick flick!

Not that you didn't already know that.

I was invited to a "Girls' Afternoon Out" with my Mom and her BFF.  And I love a movie, especially in the nice, comfy, recliner seat theater.

I was pleasantly surprised by this flick. After watching "The Vow" I was slightly skeptical of this one. It did not have stellar reviews, but, they were a teensy bit better than that aforementioned movie.

 The movie was entirely predictable, but, I was okay with that.  It did have a couple teary moments (at least for me) and it did have it's lovey dovey moments. It could have been a Hallmark movie (or Lifetime Channel), except for the sex scenes, which was why the movie had a  PG-13 rating. Although I wouldn't want my thirteen year old watching it.

And Zac Efron was hot!  Yeah, yeah, yeah... He's 10+ years younger than me, but, I can still think he's cute!

Anyway.... If you want to see a predictable chick flick with a hot guy, go see this one. It wasn't as good as "The Notebook." But, it kicks (the movies) "The Vow" and "Dear John" movie's @sses!

And then there was food!!!

And yes, it was good.

Till next time...

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