Thursday, May 24, 2012

It's finally done!

I "hired" my sister, who I will now refer to as S#4 (sibling #4), since she finds my numbering system amusing, to help me clean the "library/catch all/craft" room. I posted pictures a couple blogs back.

Upon entering the room, we were startled to see ants everywhere.
WHATTHE-H-E-DOUBLEHOCKEYSTICKS!!!  After our initial shock, we started squishing and removing their icky dead carcasses. There is no food in there, but, I was told that ants like some soaps or something weirdo like that. After the ant slaughter was completed we actually got to work on the room.

I was reallllllly glad S#4 agreed to help out.  I have a bad tendency of half @ssing a job. What usually happens is I get really involved and look at the clock and realize "Holy SH*T!" I had other things I needed to do today or after an hour I am thinking, "There really must be something better to do, than this..."  Anyway S#4 kept on pushing through box after box after bag after bag after pile of crap after pile of crap. I told her from the start that I was not getting rid of anything. Not that there wouldn't be garbage, just this wasn't a clear out job. I actually called it a "sh*t shuffle." Not that there was actual sh*t, obviously, except for those d@mn ants!

Here is the end result:

The room basically looks the same, EXCEPTTTT, you can now actually see the floor. If you notice underneath the table are two very large containers FULL of paper packs and kits.  I guess I don't need to purchase anymore of those.

Again, the same looking, but, seriously, DO.YOU.SEE.THE.FLOOR?!?!? Why yes, yes I do!  And there isn't anything on it!!!!!!!!  We did move all of the rubber stamps to the this side of the room and filled up the shelves they were in with scrapbooking stuff.

 And then there were....


S#4 got really, realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly sick of seeing stickers.  She started saying, "STICKERS!!!!!!!!" with extreme gusto after each find. I clearly don't have enough of these either.  Truth be told I also have three other containers chock full of stickers, too.

So... If anyone wants to do a good job with clearing out or cleaning up a room, hire S#4. She knows how to get it done. I helped too, of course.

The next day I went to visit my BFF and on my way I saw a BEAR!! I guess that isn't as exciting as it used to be, but, I was surprised to see it in the road. I considered driving down, past the road I needed to turn on, to get a closer look. But, I wasn't sure if my car insurance would cover "car mauled by bear" claim. So I went on my way. I did grab my camera out of my purse just in case I got a good picture shot. Which obviously didn't happen.

Anyway, my contribution to that days function was this:

Martha Stewart had a similar thing pictured in her magazine in a much smaller terrine.  All I could find were two smallish Ball canning jars. 

The most exciting thing about it was the roast peppers. But, that is only because I roasted them ALL.BY.MYSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  How come I didn't know how easy that was?!?!?!? Of course, everything else in the jar was good, too. There wasn't any seasoning or dressing so we poured the salad onto a plate and doused it with dressing and chowed down.  The mix of ingredients was definitely yummy.  I think the thought was to make a portable salad thing to take wherever you go. The next time I make this I might add feta cheese. I think that would make it super delicious and then it wouldn't need as much dressing.

So there you have it. The last couple of days. Till next time....


a bit much said...

Good job (and you've probably diverted an intervention by the Hoarder Police in your efforts! There's just something about using the "buddy system" when tackling a large, unpleasant job. Here, DH and DS usually pair up for any task that requires sticking to it. Works like a charm!

BB said...

The buddy system definitely makes the job more doable!