Saturday, May 5, 2012

The whirlwind trip to Washington, DC.

I decided NOT to sleep, but, still didn't sleep much on the bus.

We arrived at the school about 10 minutes before we were supposed to, but, the buses didn't show up until about 1:20 or so. It was definitely a hurry up and wait event.

After all the luggage was loaded we piled into the buses and headed off. The buses looked like they might be comfortable. But, that was all a deception. There was barely room to move your legs and once everyone was seated and the people sitting in front of you put their seats back, it was almost impossible to move. Six hours of pure bliss.... Yay. *sarcasm - in case you didn't catch that* The goal was to get yourself crunched into the most comfortable - uncomfortable position.

We then stopped for breakfast where we had brownies and gummi bears and coffee.

On the first day we did museums and decided to save the monuments/memorials for Friday. This is some of what we saw:

Don't eat me!


 Not sure what this was supposed to be. But it sure looks cool!

 YAY! It's the IRS!

And "The Air and Space Museum."

Then it was time for food, again. Cotton candy and a chocolate fountain!

 Chocolate covered pineapple, strawberries, marshmallows and Rice Krispie Treats!

And bed.... Finally.

We did a lot of walking on Day 2. And this is only a little bit of what we saw.

Lincoln Memorial

FDR Memorial. This section was huge and amazing.

 The Vietnam Memorial Wall.

 The WWII Memorial.

And once we were done with this, we went and got more food. Please note there is a serious time lapse, that is not seen. We actually went from the Lincoln Memorial and everything in between to the Thomas Jefferson Memorial and then back to the Korean War Memorial and everything in between and back to the Air and Space Museum to finally be completely done at the Museum of Art (which we didn't have time to visit.) Phewww!

We then had more food at a Golden Corral in Maryland and headed home. We pulled in the driveway at about 1:00 am, Saturday. 

I think it will take me a week to fully recover. Thankfully my feet aren't too sore. Which is amazing.

Till next time....

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