Tuesday, May 15, 2012


And here they are.

Car: Is done. Cost $375.00. It took an extra day, because, they had to order the part. I should have it back in my possession today.

Shampoo bottle:  I was handing out the "daily chores" and gave C#1 the job to wash the bathroom floor. Said shampoo bottle ended up on the dryer, so I plunked it in the garbage. It still amuses me that it sat on the floor for two weeks.  AND the reason I left it there is because I tired of picking up everyone's stuff.  Call it an experiment that I will probably have to conduct, again.

AND here are the answers to my BFFs Ginger's questions:

A.) No, I don't really need all those books.

B.) I am slowly reading a specific stack that wasn't pictured.

C.) See above answer.

And no. This is not another egg blog. It is a super excited blog that my eggs didn't run to the edge of the pan.  The stove has needed to be leveled for a while, but, I didn't complain about it. I just managed. Well the lovely husband, wasn't impressed  when he was cooking eggs and they definitely preferred to be on the side instead of the center.  And Viola! He fixed it! Whoohoo! The first time I fixed eggs and they didn't go to  the edge of the pan I was startled and amazed!! Who knew?!?!? It should be noted that I am, obviously, too easy to please.

Well that's it for today. Till next time.

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