Friday, May 11, 2012

Oh Nooooooooooooooooooo!! Not again....

I was headed home from my BFF's house and clunked the car into reverse. It "felt" weird when I shifted it out of park, but, it seemed to work fine..... Until I got into the middle of the road and once I was able to clunk it back into park, the gear shifter would shift no more.


After many failed attempts at shifting it into drive I ran back into the house and was like, "I think I have a problem..." My friend and I headed out to the car to see if she had any maneuvering magic and I called my hubby. He told me to call the tow company and take it to our normal mechanic. My immediate response was, "Are they going to want to come all the way out here?!?!"  Granted it was only a town or two over, but, I was in a different state! Would they do that?! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!WAAAAHHHHH! Time for crybaby bitch mode, again.

My BFF's hubby (literally) dragged my lovely car out of the middle of the road. It should be noted that my glorious "parking" job only inconvenienced the mailman, since traffic clearly isn't much of an issue, in their neck of the literal woods.

Then they called a friend of their's to see what he could do, since he was a mechanic, before I called said tow company and have to pay a small fortune to move this POS car.  Thankfully said friend was able to come right away and he knew how to get the car into drive. I had very specific instructions not to shift it out of drive, otherwise I would be stuck, yet, again.

I said a silent prayer, "Please don't let a road be closed, cows blocking the way, don't let me get pulled over, don't let the road be washed out, no Amish buggy party or any number of potential calamities to make me have to put the car into park and be stuck forevermore!"

And alas.... None of the above occurred and I made it to the mechanic with no problems. And the hubby was already there to pick me up, so I didn't need to wait. Phewwww!!!

Now it's just a matter of waiting to see how much this beautiful repair is going to hurt the bank account. Dagggnabbit! I will certainly keep you posted.

Till next time....


Ginger said...

Love the picture, hate the story :(
I'm glad it worked out hope it doesn't cost a fortune :(

Anonymous said...

WHERE did you find that cartoon? That is hilarious, considering the circumstances!