Wednesday, August 3, 2011

It's already been a busy week...

And it's only Wednesday.

On Sunday the hubby and I went to see the bands "Poison" and "Motley Crue" play at a nearby (ish) resort.  It was totally and completely AWESOME!!!! I felt like I was time travelling!! The shows were spectacular and these guys sounded and basically looked the same as they did back in the day. All "Big Hair" band and everything. AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME!!!

What I wasn't expecting was the hike to and from the venue. I should state that I was wearing flip flops. Definitely not appropriate footwear for hiking up and down a very rocky hill. But, I survived, obviously. I also did a very old lady thing and wore earplugs for most of the show. The music was sooooooooooo loud, which was to be expected. I just muted it and it didn't change the quality at all! And not to mention the fact that I could hear AFTER the show, unlike the significant other -- haha! I should say he did have some, but, didn't think about it until it was too late. So he was SOL!

Another interesting thing at this event was when we were leaving, we decided to wait at least thirty minutes, so that the lines of traffic wouldn't be so bad.  We were parked near a corner and a wooded area and I witnessed five people taking a leak around the Ford SUV parked next to us. I didn't see anything, but, I knew what they were doing. I actually thought I might warn the owner of the vehicle, if they showed up before we left. BUT, when said owner showed up to the car with his wife/girlfriend or whatever, he proceeded to take a very obvious piss on his side and my side of the car. Again, I didn't see anything, but, I do know the motions. His woman did the same on the other side.  I'm thinking they had too much to drink, because they pitched beer cans into the woods (I wouldn't want to be on the staff that had to find all of the extraneous garbage, people had left behind.)  AND to top it off these same Ford SUV people hopped into their car and proceeded to, Ummmmmmmmmmmmm. Well you know.... You know the whole rocking car thing?! Well it was doing that. I was averting my eyes, even though it was very dark outside and the windows were darkly tinted and I couldn't see a thing -- THANK.THE.LORD! These people couldn't wait until they got home?!?! Sheeeeeeeeeshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!  Thankfully the traffic had cleared out quite a bit, so we were able to leave before the sex-crazed Ford SUV people reappeared.  We made it home by 2:30.

Monday we vegetated a little bit, in preparation for Tuesday.On Tuesday we went to a theme park for almost the entire day. We had to leave for the park by 7:00 am.  We got there at 10:00, as planned and stayed till almost 9:30 pm.  The weather was perfect and it wasn't that busy! Whooohooo!! We went to a different theme park last summer and it was just miserable. 5,000 degrees out, busier than busy, lines, lines and more lines, so this was a great relief!!  We had ridden on more rides in the first 2 hours than we rode the entire time we were at the other park last year. AND it was cheaper and closer!!

That brings me to Wednesday, today. We have been doing some major vegging.  C#2 didn't fall out of bed until after 10:00 am. Lucky duck! Now, I have to get C#1 and C#2 ready for a trip with the grandparents at the end of this week. This means I will have to house (mostly) to myself for another week! Freedom! What to do, what to do?!?!?  Good things for sure!

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