Monday, August 8, 2011

The Reunion....

My BFF asked me to be her "date" for her HS class reunion. Her hubby and children were otherwise occupied and she wanted someone to go with her.  You might think, "Big deal!" And I would say you are right. But, there are other factors to this tale.  Two of my BFFs were in the same class as my (dearly missed) best friend, who died 21 years ago.  That said, it was known that he and I were an item, many years ago, amongst said classmates. There's more to this story, but, I won't go into that here.  Some of it is described in blog form, that you can find, if you care.  I hadn't formally met more than two or three of them (we went to different schools), but, I did "know" of them.

That said, upon arrival, I was good with it - not nervous or feeling to weird about it.... Until we got into the meeting area.  There weren't any butterflies, but, a very distinct feeling of awkwardness. Thankfully both BFFs were there and my other BFF had brought her children -- of whom I am well acquainted.  Thankfully I had a few "friends" from Facebook, who I had never met personally, but, knew who I was from my profile picture.

There was only one really awkward moment and it was only for a moment. Introductions were made. A second of awkward gawking. Me saying, "Yes, that would be me..." And an "Oh....." Thankfully it passed quickly and a new topic was started.

There was a nice spread of food and drinks. I grabbed a plate and filled it and sat down, at the table we had "saved."  Eventually both BFFs got their food and sat down, too. After that there was class picture time.  Then the fun of rounding up all the children, from all over the building and outside (in the pouring rain,) for their picture.

Old yearbooks were brought out and the picking on hairstyles and clothing commenced. It was highly entertaining.  There was clearly some muddled thinking back in the day.

One of the classmates owns a cake making business. She made two very awesome looking and tasting cakes. I admit I got a super delicious corner piece AND a side piece. It was a cake-happy day.

I must say they were a very nice group of people. I fit right in with the joking and conversation. I also received way more heartfelt hugs than I ever expected. (I actually wasn't "expecting" anything.) I was a little bit overwhelmed by the kindness and sincerity that was shown by everyone.  So in conclusion, I had a lot of fun and got to know some really great people. AND I now have six more friends on FB!  :)


Ginger said...

I hadn't thought of how I'd introduce you, or actually anything about "having" to introduce you, until we were there.
I hoped I didn't upset you by introducing you as "Lenny's Girlfriend"...the 2nd time I said it a little different but, I still felt awkward. Regardless, I felt rather than saying "my friend, Becky", they would like to know You were his GF in HS, almost like a piece of him was there.
I hope I didn't hurt you or make you feel awkward.
I especially wanted them to know you were my BFF now, God's way of sharing a wonderful person with me, but, also a piece of Lenny <3
It was a really nice time :)
Glad you came!

BB said...

You definitely did not make me feel hurt or awkward. I was VERY glad you were there, too. It was nice to be able to go between you and Miss D ( and your kids.) I was very happy to be "well" acquainted with 5 people -- even if 3 of them were little!! I am so very glad you are my BFF and believe that we were "meant to be".... <3 It was a great time. I'm glad I went, too!!

Anonymous said...

The broken heart (somehow still beating) likes to hear that his friends still keep him close. Glad to hear you all had fun there!
(-- Len's Mom)