Sunday, August 14, 2011

They're backkkkkk....

C#1 and C#2 are back home. YES!!! My dishwasher empty-er, laundry fold-er, general chore people have returned!!!!  Just kidding, of course. I mean they do those tasks, but, I didn't assign them too many chores, today. Well only one of them had the chore of emptying the dishwasher.  In my defense, it was their turn.  I will roll out the "to-do" list in the morning..... They WILL be thrilled -- hahahahhaha!!

The kids have three more weeks of summer vacation.  What to do?! They have had a very busy summer so far.  This week is going to be tremendously boring, compared to the last week --- swimming every waking minute, play, play, play....  We will be visiting my grands next week, their great-grands.

First exciting thing on the agenda for this week will be a trip to the orthodontist. C#2 broke a wire on her retainer. This will work out okay, since I would have to reschedule next week's appointment anyway...

This weekend, the hubby and I watched a few movies..... 1. Battle Los Angeles -- this one was okay - far fetched. C#1 will love it, 2. Dinner with Schmucks -- strangely amusing, in a crass, funky way, 3. The Adjustment Bureau -- this one was good -- interesting concept and 4. Gnomeo and Juliet -- a kid movie with some funny parts (kids choice, too) -- I don't need to see it, again.

And that is all for now.  Catcha later!

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