Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cleaning... sort of.

I was appalled when I looked behind my window blinds, to find nasty, black dirt balls in every nook and cranny. I must state that the window blinds are rarely moved, so out of sight, out of mind.  So today, since I clearly have nothing better to do with my life, I cleaned behind them. I grabbed my trusty container of Clorox wipes (no they don't have bleach in them, but, it might have been better if they did) and pulled the blinds to expose the nastiness.  I wiped the windows and was disgusted at the black handprint. How is it that there is black grime on the windows, that you can't really see, until you attempt to clean?  Don't answer that. I don't want to know.  After that lovely discovery, I decided to clean the whole section of blinds. EWWWWWW!!  I really should pay attention to windows/walls and stuff. But, who does that?!?! Fine, fine.... I guess, I am the only one who lives in a pig sty. I have never tried to be "housekeeper" of the year, week, month, day or even minute. Just ask my husband.  He's a "bit" of a neat freak.  Rest assured, it has NOT (and will NOT) rubbed off on me, in the last 14+ years of marital bliss.  So there you have it -- what I did this afternoon, because I know everyone wanted to know how gross my windows and blinds were. And I don't even have company coming over!!! I think I deserve a medal... ;)

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