Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Why does food have to be so good?!

Food is my weakness. Salty foods primarily, but, not exclusively. If you want to be my best friend OR my worst enemy here's a list (but rest assured, it's not a complete one.) Kettle: Salt & Vinegar Chips (I could eat a whole bag in one sitting), Redskin Spanish peanuts (my protein rich late night obsession), microwaved PB on vanilla ice cream (evil combo, but, so darn good), chocolate covered pretzels, sour patch kids (the only gummy candy I actually love), coffee, more coffee, strawberries, blueberries (I am looking forward to the picking season), movie popcorn (especially when it's layered with lots of the artery clogging "not" butter), air popped popcorn with melted butter and margarine (my Grandpa always made this when we came for a visit AND my Dad made it all of the time, too), chips (Tostitos) and salsa (good salsa - picante sauce or Chi Chi's), cookie dough (pshawww all those salmonella germies from raw eggs), Hollandaise sauce (especially on broccoli),Kiss on the Lips (my favorite cruise ship beverage), Pina Colada (a beverage I have recently "nailed" and more than happy to make and drink over and over and over), hot chicken legs, mozzarella cheese, muenster cheese, potato chips (especially the ones with ridges) and Heluva good onion dip, Cool Whip (I could eat a whole tub -- no joke!), PIZZA!! (but, I am very particular), McD's chicken nuggets with hot mustard sauce (I can restrain myself from this one, but, they are good), meatloaf, baked potatoes (with lots of butter, sour cream and s/p), reuben sandwiches and on and on the list goes...... Because I know everyone cares. And now I'm hungry. Grrrrrrrr.................

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

By the looks of you, I think you TALK about food far more than you actually CONSUME it. Lucky little Brat!