Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Avocado Salsa!!

My sister cut into my last avocado today, to put on her sandwich. I had to figure out a way to use the rest of it. Viola! Avocado Salsa!

1 avocado
2 tomatoes (I used two Roma, but, I'm sure any kind would be fine.)
2 garlic cloves
1/2 red onion (I'm sure any type would be fine.)
S & P
Lime juice from half of a lime (lemon would probably work, too.)
Dash of lemon juice to assist the lime juice

Put all of the above ingredients in a food processor (I used my nifty PC manual one) and process until it's dippy looking.  Eat with tortilla chips.

There you have it! Easy peasy and healthy to boot!

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