Thursday, July 7, 2011


Nope! I'm not bored. I was just wondering what was up with children these days and their incessant whine"age" about being bored. Let me make it clear that saying, "I'm bored," is against the law at my house. If C#1 or C#2 say that, I have a whole list of things for them to do, to make them "un"bored!

I guess my gripe is that children, well let's just be VERY broad in the statement and say most people (including adults,) feel the need to have some sort of entertainment going on ALL.OF.THE.TIME!!! I don't get it. I personally have 1,000,000,000 things I could be doing or should be doing. There is not enough time on this planet to be bored.

I guess, it comes down to the instant gratification that everyone gets from the computer age. Yes, I sound old fashioned and out of date. Believe me, I'm not. It just still amazes me that "people" are always bored. What happened to being content reading a good book. You know those rectangle things that have lots of pages in them and many words. I know when I was a kid I read and read and read and read and read. I am sure my Mom thought I slept away my entire summer, when in reality, I was reading non-stop. I only poked my head out of my room to go to the bathroom and eat dinner.

I do understand the desire to do something different now and again. But, the non-stop entertainment and excitement is downright exhausting!! What's wrong with sitting on your butt and doing nothing --- or taking a nice nap or ---- just doing nothing and more nothing. Children these days need a class on how to enjoy "idle" time. Or maybe it's the parents or maybe it's just everyone!!  I know I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee doing nothing, vegetating, growing roots.  There is clearly nothing wrong with that!

I am definitely NOT part of the go-go-goooooooo crowd. For those of you who may not have known this, I apologize for being boring. But, I don't plan on changing. No WAY! No HOW!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know! Right?!? And do you wonder if those who are always "bored" realize they are bor-ING?!? They'd do well to find something that they can get excited about so they could have something to talk about besides their woeful selves.