Saturday, August 20, 2011

Is it poison ivy?!?

C#2 came running into the house this afternoon. "Mom you have to look at this!!!!!" I'm like, "Whattttttttt....."  Please notice it's not a question, more of an annoyed "what." I really should have my attitude checked. Anyway, after pulling myself away from a really interesting book, I look at the top of her foot and she has a large red spot with little bumps all over it. My next statement was, "What were you doing?" She tells me she was following the cat through the woods. Ohhhh..... Enough said. I tell her to NOT touch it and go get in the shower and scrub.

As my darling C#2 is showering, I race to my computer and google "poison ivy." All of the pictures I could find were way more horrible looking than what appeared on her foot. And me, being the not very well prepared parent, doesn't have any cortisone cream to apply to said wound (or any of the other suggested treatments.) So, I defaulted to home remedies and decided on the baking soda treatment.  That apparently cures EVERYthing!  I will have to let you know if it really worked.

After C#2 showered and clothed herself, I went to applying this thick, white pasty stuff all over the top of her foot, on the toes of her other foot and to a small patch on her knee. Now my dilemma was how to make it stay. Hmmmmmmmmmm... And this is what I came up with:

You might wonder what those are.... They are Purple Nitrile Gloves. They worked perfectly!!! She however was  very embarrassed and proceeded to cover her feet with socks. And yes, it is 80 degrees out. She's a nut!

Today I also made Pesto Pizza. I had made homemade pesto from my various basil plants and needed to use it up. It made the house smell absolutely scrumptious and tasted really great, too.

And I forgot to mention, that for lunch yesterday I had swiss chard. My BFF was kind enough to share and it was AMAZING!  I need to figure out how to plant me some of that!! And, yes, I took a picture (you know, me being a picture freak and all.)

Anyway, there you have it. My excitement for today (and yesterday.)


Anonymous said...

I'm no doctor, nor do I play one on TV, but it might be better to replace the gloves with a loose, sterile bandage, or better yet, let the paste dry and leave it uncovered. (Don't bother to thank me -- I'm always ready to give unsolicited advice!)

BB said...

She only "endured" the gloves for about an hour. Whatever her ailment, it was practically gone and this morning completely gone. I did think it might get hot in the glove cover, as an after thought. I guess my goal was less mess, seeing as once it dried it got everywhere! Thanks for the advice - I appreciate it. :)