Friday, August 31, 2012

It's a "JAWS-A-THON"!!

C#2 and I watched "Jaws" within the last six months when she was home being sick. She decided she realllllly liked the movie. And I like it, too.

C#1 missed out on all the excitement and it wasn't until this summer that he finally watched this gem.

I read the book by Peter Benchley a zillion years ago, and I think it was good?!?! I might have to find it in my "library" and see if I am remembering correctly.

Anywhoooooooo... C#1, C#2 and I have been having "late movie night." Once everyone goes to bed (aka Dad) we watch some random movie.  We have watched some interesting stuff, and by interesting I mean not very interesting. If you get my drift.

Welllll, we watched "Jaws" and then I came up with the brilliant idea to watch "Jaws 2"!! C#2 was ecstatic!!!   I made may order with Amazon and we had it within a week! WhaaaLA!!

I have seen it before, but, I didn't remember all of it. It's basically more the same, but, way more SHARKKKKKKK!!  The first movie was light on actual shark sightings, and the second one made up for that.  Not the best movie ever, but, entertaining when you have a hankering for some shark attack.

And thennnnn, we were at a local entertainment store and they had "Jaws 3" on sale! We just had to buy it. C#2 did a little happy dance in the aisle when it was decided to make this important purchase.

I had warned them that this edition, didn't score very well.  But, you know it what?! It wasn't half bad. Of course the reallllly bad submarine scene and the end ultimate shark show down looked realllllllllly bad. The CG/whatever they were using for fake shark, just wasn't that good.  I will give them a break and say that it was because it was supposed to be in 3D and it didn't go back to 2D in a pretty way. Or they just sucked at making a fake shark.  Probably the latter.  And the end was kind of abrupt. Kinda like the first installment of "Jaws."   But, it was okay and C#1 and C#2 did like it. 

Of course, now it is going to take a small miracle to get C#2 into the ocean.  I should mention that she's now petrified of spiders, after our "Arachnophobia" movie night. Ooooops!  

Well that's it for now. Till next time...

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