Thursday, August 16, 2012

"Cattle Corralling" & Pesto!

Soooooooooooooo... I was visiting my BFF and had just poured myself another cup of coffee when a neighbor child informed said BFF that her cows were in their yard. SACRE BLEU! It's cattle corral time!  I have heard stories of this fine adventure and I now was able to participate. WhooHOO!!

On our way out another one of her neighbor's drove by and offered a helping hand. And a good thing, too. Those beasts are down right wiley!!

Here's what you need to know about corralling...
1. Have a small bucket of food.
2. Have a stick or some such to poke or bang with.
3. A loud commanding voice - to either yell, scream, and/or scare said beasts.
4. Jogging (or running) legs.
5. Dancin' arms.

Three of the cows, eventually, ventured back inside the fence on their own. But, the fourth beast had to be "guided" the whole way.

I think I may have found my true calling. So if you ever need a hand... You know who to call! And it's not Ghostbusters!

After the cows were securely secured, we commenced with our "plan."  Making PESTO!!! My BFF has a hedgerow of basil --- seriously! A whole hedgerow. We went a picked a healthy amount and chopped up 5+ cups of basil. We blended the ingredients and presto we had pesto!!

And to make it complete we added pasta (ramen noodles, cuz they are FAST cookers) and sauteed grated zucchini.  Plus tomatoes to make it pretty and a basil sprig for garnish - which I did eat.  It would have been a shame to waste.

And since my BFF had sooooooooooooo much basil she shared with me. I got to bring home a whole bag full. Some of which I put in a vase. My Mom said it would stay nice, like that, for a few days.

That's it for today. I will be blogging about a delicious meal my sister (Sibling#3) and I prepared for the fam while we were on vacation, in the very near future.

Till next time....

PS. The pesto recipe is your basic combo of pine nuts, parm cheese, olive oil, S&P and of course, basil!

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