Monday, June 6, 2011

My weekend.

This past weekend was a fun one!  I was invited to a "Friends Appreciation" dinner by one of my good friends and her husband. It was at an original Italian restaurant and tasted great.

Afterwards, I crashed in on my BFF Danni's at her house (it was just down the road from the restaurant) and soaked in her hot tub for 2+ hours. Needless to say, we were prunes, when we were done.

The hubby and I also tried a new place for lunch/dinner on Sunday. They had an amazing BBQ menu and it all tasted fantastic. This particular joint has been in operation for a while, but, we had never gone. No idea why. We were seriously missing out. But no more!

Then it was back to Monday. Folding laundry, taking care of the dishwasher, picking up everyone's cra --- stuff.  

I did however get an unexpected surprise from the other half. A whole pound of fudge, just for being sweet! I was flabbergasted! I have now eaten enough sugar for the rest of the month. And must now find a way to eat it up without it adding to my waist. I guess that is what C#1 & C#2 are for. I am sure they will not have a problem helping me finish it off.

That's it for now..... Till next time!

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