Thursday, June 16, 2011

Need a good laugh?!

I have discovered the funniest book that I have EVER read! It's called Sweet Potato Queens' Big Ass Cookbook (And Financial Planner) by Jill Conner Browne. Let me start by saying I was buying some much needed cookbooks (really kidding about the "much needed" --- it has been implied that I have more cookbooks than your local library.)  Come to find out the above mentioned book, wasn't really a cookbook. Yes, there are recipes, but, not too many. Think of it as a guide to life -- in a very sarcastic, hilarious and uproarious way.  My kind of living --- especially the sarcastic part. It took me less than two days to read it. It was THAT good!

I have since purchased 1. The Sweet Potato Queens' Book of Love. Which I think is the first one (I started in the middle, by accident), 2. God Save the Sweet Potato Queens, and The Sweet Potato Queens' Guide to Raising Children for Fun & Profit.  On a side note: The last one sounds a bit like a Ferengi's way of thinking. If you don't know what I mean, Google it. It's a specific species in the Star Trek genre. Those who know what I mean, will know what I mean....  I will be sure to give you my thoughts on these specific titles once they have been read.

I would normally jump right in, regardless of my current reading situation, since I loved the first mentioned book, so much.. Even though I have a "rule" that I only read one book at a time. But, alas, I am reading The Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth by Alexandra Robbins and it is quite interesting. It isn't a quick, fun read like the SPQs', but, good none the less. I will make every effort to get it done fast, so I can move onto more wholesome reading!

Well I hate to cut this short, but, I have children to yell at and "Words with Friends" matches to complete. Till next time......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I, too, found the book highly amusing. Thanks for the recommendation.