Saturday, June 9, 2012

Prometheus: A very short review.

Today the hubby and I ventured to see the new movie "Prometheus."  I "heard" it was supposed to be an "Alien" prequel or something to that effect.

I did like "Alien" and "Aliens." The other spin-offs I don't recall (I did see them.)  That's probably because they were not that special or some other reason..... Perhaps they sucked?!?!

The movie was beautiful to watch and it was very action-ey.  And the musical score reminded me of the previous "Alien" movie endeavors.  That said, I was kinda disappointed. I should know better than to believe any of the {good} reviews.  I was trying to be a good movie goer and not get too much information about said flick before entering.  The hubby on the other hand read a review or two I didn't and was fully aware that this movie wasn't going to be all it cracked up to be.

The beginning laid out all the characters and their intent and then it was just a rush of events. It felt like they could have made 3 or 4 different movies with all the different story lines that were pursued at the end. And I can't even tell you what movies without creating spoilers.

So in short --- if you want an action movie with monsters and no brain power go see it. If you are expecting an "Alien" prequel or anything similar to the first two -- forget it. It was fun to watch, but, I don't think I will be wasting my time to watch it, again or wasting my money to buy the dvd.

Till next time...

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