Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Need a recipe?! I can help!

Some people collect coins or dolls or action figures or whatever. I collect cookbooks. If you've ever been to my house you would know this. Usually first timers are like, "WHOA! That is a LOT of cookbooks."  My goal in life is to use at least one recipe per book. Sometimes that just doesn't happen. I have my favorites, that get used religiously and some that get parked on the top shelf, to rarely be used.  I even have a very large plastic bin full of cookbooks that I will probably never use, but, they aren't worth anything, so they just sit there.

So here are some pictures of my cookbook craziness:

These are on the counter. One of my favs is Mr. Food. I have almost all of his books.

The lovely Miss Julia Child resides here. And my ultimate always go to Substituting Ingredients book.

These ones get pursued some of the time. 

And these are some timers, too.  I would love to bake the entire MS Cupcakes cookbook!!! 

And this is the parked at the top shelf book shelf. Although there are a couple up there, that shouldn't be; namely the Hershey's cookbook. I was cleaning up and that was the only spot available.

So there you have it. My obsession with cookbooks. And I have no qualms about buying more. You can never have too many!!

Till next time...


Anonymous said...

I honestly can't figure why your house doesn't collapse from the weight!

BB said...

Me, neither!!

Anonymous said...

I love cookbooks too! I usually spend more time reading them than actually cooking from them... :)