Monday, October 29, 2012

The calm before the storm.

The weather channel has been on ALL day. And it is slightly freaking out C#1. Of course, it doesn't help that TCW people are saying it is far worse than they were originally reporting. Nice. Real nice.

Thankfully we don't live  where it is going to be really bad.  We are just preparing for some major power outages.

I took a picture of our current situation outside:

It doesn't look like much. But, the wind is blowing and it has started to rain.

C#1 and C#2 were excited to come home early today. C#2 said they had a 15 minute lunch. Therefore she finished that once she got home.

I did "beat" the power outage with my coffee carafe. And I have made 20 cups. Not, that I am going to drink it all today. That would be bad!

I also prepared dinner. I pulled out some frozen chicken breast. And then it occurred to me, that I might not want to "deal" with that if the power goes out. Not very smart on my part. But, I didn't want to stuff it back into the upstairs freezer, since, by removing that chunk of meat, it actually made things fit nicer.

Yes, it's stuffed with ice cubes and large juice bottle cubes -- I hope I went overboard.

Anyway, back to my chicken dinner. I dipped the chicken in the olive oil I put in the skillet (I am assuming the power might be out and I do have a gas stove - AWESOME! - so I can definitely do this later.) I then sprinkled the breasts with salt and coated them with seasoned panko bread crumbs. I also had 1/3 of a container of mushrooms that needed to be used so I cut them up and surrounded the breasts with that.  I then put small bits of butter on the mushrooms and chopped up some fresh basil (I took my summer basil plant off the front porch and I am seeing how long it will last on my front table in the house.)

I slightly defrosted the chicken, but, it's still icy, so it will be fine on the stove for an hour or so.

And then C#1 went downstairs and I heard a very girlish scream. Lo and behold my friend, Dexter, or one of his relatives was prowling about inside the basement. 

 I was going to take him out (aka kill him), but, he got away.  Let's just say the rest of the family was not impressed with my assassination abilities or lack thereof. I think they are afraid he might come visit them in the night.

That's it for now... The wind has really picked up and is whistling around the house. This will definitely be testing our new siding/roofing.  Ughhhhh...

Till next time.

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