Thursday, October 6, 2011

This must be a new trick...

In yesterday's mail I received a large"ish" package from one of the magazines I subscribe to. It was definitely junk mail and I am not usually that good about looking at junk. Normally it's straight to the garbage or recycle bin. Anywayyyyyyyyy I decided to open it and it turned out to be a "dvd program" that they were starting and I had the "special" privilege to get it first. I skimmed the letter and come to find out if you don't want to participate you had to return the dvd in the envelope provided. What would have happened if I had just tossed it or didn't read the fine print and braille and did NOT send it back?!?! Hmmmmm.... Well, I'm not gonna find out. I am sending that tricky piece of mail crap back to the sender. And I wrote a big "DO NOT SEND ME ANY MORE DVDS EVER!!" on the returning note. I wasn't even interested in the dvd, so it was a complete waste on their part.  But, very sneaky.

I very recently watched the movie "Trust." It was very disturbing. The teenage daughter has a "boyfriend" who she only knows through chat rooms and texting.  Needless to say he lies and I am sure you can figure it out.  I thought it was actually very eye opening for parents who don't monitor what their children are doing with the internet/cell phone age. I know you can't protect them from everything, but, I felt this movie brought to light the real danger of letting your teenagers have unsupervised access.  I guess I will be the mean hag Mom, who doesn't allow my child to have a cellphone till they're 40 (yeah I know, not very realistic.)  I will insist on 100% access to anything they have on the internet. Privacy Shmivacy. Not when there are major scumbags out there.  Did I mention I'm not looking forward to the teenage years?!?

Well that's it for today.... Later!

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