Monday, October 31, 2011

Mashed Potato and Cheese Soup!

I can't believe I almost forgot to post about this. Yesterday I made baked chicken (sooooo yummmm!!), cheesy broccoli and "Creme Fraiche" potatoes. I was a little intimidated by the fraiche being all fran-say, but, they were delicious. It was a Paula Deen recipe. Which means loads of butter and heavy cream. What kind of freaked me out was the sour cream/heavy cream sauce stuff you dumped on the potatoes and then baked?! 'Huh?!? Well I did it and my pan was almost not big enough. Thirty minutes later, it was done and kind of runny. But, runny or not, it tasted great!

That said, let me get back to my story.... So, I had the brilliant idea to make the creme fraiche mashed potatoes into soup. I sauteed some carrots, onions and celery. Added a few chicken bouillon cubes about two cups of water, four slices of Velveeta cheese (it seriously melts the best) and VIOLA! Mashed Potato and Cheese Soup. And I must say it was delicious!!!! C#1 came in to ask me if it was scalloped potato soup, like the scallop potatoes his Gramma makes. I said it wasn't. But, he said it tasted like it was. Very high praise. I had fixed other food to go with the soup, but, kind of wish I hadn't. The soup was so good, but, oh so very filling. I will definitely have to make a special  note on the recipe to remember to make it into soup the next day. The lovely hubby said it was better as soup anyway. I kinda agree.... Here's a picture:

There are leftovers, too. And I am looking forward to eating them in the next couple of days!

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