Monday, November 12, 2012

Five Loaves of Bread Thawed. What to do?! Cinnamon Rolls!!

When I go to Walmart to price match, I sometimes pick up a "Rhodes White Bread Value Pack" (of five.) This serves as a good "ice pack," especially when I forget to throw one in the cooler bag.  Anywayyyyyy, I put one of them at the top of the chest freezer and for some reason or another, it didn't freeze!!!! Well, it didn't freeze the whole way and it was starting to rise. UGH! I hate to waste anything, so I brought the bag upstairs and put it in the refrigerator.  There is proceeded to rise some more. Expanding the bag to it's full capacity.

Watch out it's going to explode!!!

After raking my brain to figure out what to make, besides three pizzas or three calzone I thought, "What about cinnamon rolls?! Where is there a recipe for that? To the Internet!!!"

And with a quick entry into my search bar, I found a whole list of recipes using this actual bread. YAHOO!! I settled on this one: 

I only picked it because it had an easy drizzle for the top, buttttttttttttt, once they were done everyone agreed that cream cheese frosting would be better. And I got that recipe from Mr. Food:

The recipe I used included vanilla, but, it was basically the same.

I used more than one loaf, so the recipe made more than the allotted 20.  I also did not let it rise. It didn't appear to need to, since it had "risen" in the fridge.

I rolled it out as far, as I could. Bread dough is ultra springy, which makes it kind of hard to roll out.

Here they are after being brushed with butter (I also dumped some vanilla on the butter) and then sprinkled with sugar/cinnamon. 

Here they are with the drizzle, which wasn't enough sweet... Good, but, not good enough!

Andddddddddd here is the final product with the cream cheese frosting. OHMYGOODNESSSSSSSSS!!! They were/are delicious!!

I also had three-ish loaves of bread to deal with, so I made two pizzas for lunch.

Sooooooooooooooooo, three pieces of pizza and two cinnamon rolls later, I am done eating for the day and it's only 2:30 pm.  I am not sure how that's going to work. I guess I will be eating lettuce and breaking out some "Cup of Soup." 

Till next time....

1 comment:

a bit much said...

Very amusing that you collect cookbooks, and run to the internet for a recipe ... Now that I re-think it, you WERE in imminent danger of explosion there with that bag of dough! Time is of the essense.