Monday, September 24, 2012

My New Toy!

C#1 and C#2 went apple picking with their grandparents and picked a bushel of Cortland apples. These apples are the best because they are very versatile. You can just eat them or cook with them -- no boundaries. Anywayyyyyyyyyyyyy... Like I said I have (had) a bushel of apples and needed to figure out what to do with them all.  Pies, crisps, Brown Betties, bars, cookies, lunches, cobblers.

I was perusing and came upon a dehydrator. What a fantastic idea! These would not only taste great, but, they would last! I don't have a nice cold place in my basement to store them, so it's either eat them or use them or they will go to waste -- and I'd rather they went to waist!  I purchased my "well researched" dehydrator and it arrived within a week.

The directions said dehydrate them for 6-12 hours. 6-12 hours?!?!? Oye! Well, I left them in for about 7-8 hours and they were great! More chewy than crispy and very tart! Delicious! 

And I should mention a wonderful side effect ---- the whole house smells like apples! No candle needed!!!

And they got C#2's seal of approval. She grabbed a handful on her way out the door, this morning.

More apple creations:

A recipe I got from my MIL. I may have messed it up though, since I had to use my trick since the oven runs too hot.

Apple Brown Betty with Peaches

Apple Bars

That's it for today... Till next time.


a bit much said...

If you have more apples, mix it with whatever other fruit you have and dehydrate it into "fruit leather." I made some with the 6 pears and 1 plum I harvested from my trees that got frosted this year. It was great! Wished I had more fruit.

Sarah said...

Food dehydrators are awesome!