Thursday, January 19, 2012

And then there was garlic bread.

In an effort to save money, I decided to find an easy, do-able bread recipe. I have gotten into the habit of buying pre-made bread from the Schwan's guy and that stuff ain't cheap! Finding an easy and relatively short recipe was a challenge. Most of the bread recipes I have take way too long. Mix the dough, let it rise for an hour or five, repeat and repeat, again. No thank you!  I also was going to attempt to use my bread maker. It should be noted that I have had very little luck with it. I made sure to add the ingredients in their required order, but, still managed to get very dense bread EVERY time.  It also takes at least three and a half hours, which at four in the afternoon just doesn't work for me. I don't really like eating dinner after 7:00 pm.

Then I had the brilliant idea of using the pretzel recipe to make a loaf of bread. Well VIOLA!! It worked!! The bread is a little bit denser than your normal french/Italian bread, but, it tastes fabulous! I am so proud of myself!! I have made two batches in the last three days.  I did sprinkle it with sea salt and garlic.  The quick part about this recipe is that it only needs to rise once and for only 30 minutes. I can handle that.  Here's what it looks like....

Here is the first, test run loaf. I forgot to take a picture before I hacked into it.

Here is the second batch. We gobbled down an entire loaf at dinner today. Delicious!

I did finish the last book in the Hunger Games trilogy called Mockingjay.  It was really great and had a decent ending, too. One thing I really hate about some books is a bad ending. Especially if they are really good the whole way through. I was glad this one didn't let me down.

I have now started the book 1984 by George Orwell. I remember having to read Animal Farm, by George, in high school and not entirely loving it. 1984, however, is very interesting. I will be sure to give you my synopsis when I am finished.

Till next time!

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