Sunday, May 1, 2011

It was a success!

The party that is.... I had the carrot cakes made the night before. The next day I frosted the double layer with cream cheese frosting. When I was moving the cakes to the plate to frost, the center of the bottom piece didn't "make it" out of the pan. I scrapped out the remnant pieces and stuffed them into the middle.  The frosting and top layer hid my disaster. No on even knew..... till now.

I was actually able to time everything, to finish cooking at the same time, too!!!  People who don't cook or haven't entertained (or maybe it's just me) don't know how hard it is to coordinate 500 dishes!! I should get medal or a gold star!!!!

Today we got home and I came upon an unexpected visitor in the dining room...

The toad decided to hop underneath a low table and after much maneuvering, it was rescued unscathed.  I am not sure how it made it inside. Although some people in my house think we live in a barn, which is the only explanation I can come up with.  I am just thankful he wasn't squished. That would not have been a pretty mess to clean up.

That's it for today..... Catcha later!

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