Monday, May 9, 2011

There's not much going on....

But, I decided to post about my doing nothing exciting.

Mother's Day was nice. The hubby and children took me to a local Italian restaurant. It was good, with the added bonus of a free dessert. The children were thrilled to get pizza. Especially this restaurant's pizza, because it's the best.  Child #2 gave me a lovely marigold potted plant and a homemade card. It was done in science class (the plant) otherwise, I'm not sure I would have gotten anything. Child #1 didn't realize that Sunday was Mother's Day. Which I assured C #1 that is was really okay. It was NOT a big deal.... Really!

We then got home and I played a card game with Child #2 and then we proceeded to watch a few episodes of Star Trek: Voyager.  I watched this many, many years ago with my Dad and family, so it's kind of nostalgic to watch with my kids. They LOVE it and I am enjoying it again, too. Of course we're watching Season 4 and it's all about the Borg -- which I LOVE!!!!! If you're not into SciFi, you won't know what I mean or even care..... That said, I am kind of a scifi junkie. Not the really weird stuff you see on the SyFy channel (except for Battlestar Galactica -- the new version.) You know, the regular "science fiction" stuff.  Star Trek, Star Wars, Firefly (Serenity is the movie), maybe Star Gate Universe, but, I haven't watched enough of that to decide if I like it or not.  I kind of "blame" my Dad, since when I was a kid it was a ritual to watch Star Trek: The Next Generation and/or ST: Deep Space Nine EVERY Saturday night. I really liked it and still do. Especially ST:DS9, but, you will have to watch it for yourself and decide. Yes, I am a closet sci fi freak. Now, I feel like I need to go to a meeting. Till next time.....

1 comment:

Ginger said...

Hard to believe we're BFF...