Monday, May 23, 2011

I'm backkkkkk....

In case you missed me. HA! I had a lovely time on my week long hiatus. It's going to be tough to get back into the swing of things. The morning alarm and the screeching of C#1 and C#2 make mornings beautiful... That was sarcastic, in case you didn't catch that.

My hiatus was great! I need to make sure next time and put everything on the list into my bag. It KILLS me that I forgot my $1.50 hairspray and then had to buy a $5.00 replacement on the ship. Seriously?!?! AND one of my NEW sunscreen decided to have a fit in my luggage and emptied itself entirely. Thankfully, I have half a brain and made sure it was in a ziplock bag. It did mess up one a shirt and got three other items, thoroughly sunscreened. Good times. And to top it off, there wasn't enough sunscreen so it cost $30 to replace it with stuff that actually worked. I wasn't too happy about that. But, what are ya gonna do?!  B*tch and moan. That, obviously, doesn't help anything.....

I am now having to seriously "work" off the extra poundage I accumulated on the trip. 7+! ICK! How does that happen?!!? Of course, the non stop eating might have attributed to that. Now back to the grind.  One egg and a cup of coffee for breakfast and no four course meals for lunch!!!!  

Welcome to the real world.