Friday, May 27, 2011

Will it ever end?!

Yesterday it was announced that we were under severe thunderstorm and tornado watches. At around 6:00 pm we had a lovely hail storm. It went from pea size to the size of marbles. Thankfully the vehicles were parked in the garage to avoid any damage. The sun came out, but, right behind it were dark ominous clouds. Around 8:00 pm the rain/thunder/lightning started and the lights started to flicker. That was when there was a tornado warning for our area and many around us. Just as we were headed to the basement the power went out. The wind picked up and the lightning got crazy and endless. Of course, by this time C#1 & C#2 were totally freaked out. I guess in truth we all were. For the next two hours we hung out in the basement with candles and books waiting for the storm to pass. We have this nifty generator radio, that kept us informed on any weather updates. Around 10:00 pm we decided to head upstairs, in the dark. C#1 & C#2 each had a flashlight and we all headed to bed.

I woke up around 4:30 am and called the power company with my cellphone. I was informed that I was the first one to report the outage and that no other outages were in the area. WHAT?!?! Well, it was early and come to find out there were trees and power lines down EVERY where.

The school bus was 30 minutes late. The poor driver had to go a different route to avoid fallen trees, etc....  I was then given instructions not to go anywhere by my "better" half. He had left earlier and seen the awful roads and downed power lines. But, alas, I didn't listen.  What was I supposed to do with no power?!  I had made prior arrangements to meet up with my BFF Danni and she was sprung early, so we were able to take a three mile walk on a local "trail."  Afterwards we had a yummy, leisurely lunch at a local Mexican joint.  I got home and my hip was killing me.... I am trying to figure out if it's old age or the shoes I was wearing.  I'm thinking old age, but, will unfortunately have to "road" test it with a different pair of shoes.

My BFF and I then ventured to a store to get ice, since "they" were saying power wouldn't be back until Saturday at the earliest. 80lbs of ice and a new cooler later, I was ALL set. Storms be damned!

I got home and then proceeded to empty the refrigerator into the coolers. That only took 40lbs of ice, the other 40 went into the chest freezer. Not fifteen minutes later, guess what?!?! YUP! The power came back on.... Oh the nerve!! Just kidding! I was delighted! I ran into the bathroom and flushed the toilet and then started refilling water bottles, etc.  Then, I had a "smart" thought and dashed into the shower. The water was lukewarm, but, AWESOME!!! I was all sweaty/slimy from the walk (did I mention it was hot and humid out?!)  Then the rest of the crew go their quick as a wink showers, just in case the power went out, again.

About an hour later, the power was still on, so we moved everything back into the refrigerator. I worked my magic and got 60lbs of ice into the chest freezer -- which is pretty full.  I had to leave one in a cooler to melt. Sigh. BUT, YAY! We still had power.

I got a phone call from me Mummy informing me of a potential severe thunderstorm a few hours later. Really?! Actually it was no real surprise, I was aware of the weather forecast. Nothing appeared to be happening. A little rain/thunder/lightning. , no flickering of the power. We then decided to be brave and start a movie. About 20 minutes into it the power went completely out for a few seconds. OH! DRAT!!! C#1 & C#2 were not impressed................... About an hour later we decided to try it, again. And all I can say is, so far, so good. I sure hope I didn't just jinx it!!!


Anonymous said...

My dear child (emphasis on the word "child"), I know your penchant for style, and recommend that if you're going to do that kind of serious walking, you should get a comfy pair of shoes for the purpose. Your claim to "old age" is a bit premature.

BB said...

I did have comfy shoes on!! Nike sneakers, they were all nice and fit great. That is why I leaned to old age. ;)