Friday, May 6, 2011

Who'd a thought?!?!?

I always claim I have a zillion things to do (which is true.) Laundry to fold, dishes, dusting, etc.... But, when I woke up today, it was discovered that we had NO internet. The router decided to crap out on a Friday. A FRIDAY!?!? Why is it every time something like this happens, it happens on a Friday or some unfortunate day over the weekend or holiday? That said, I called my lovely ISP tech service at 7:00 A.M. I got right through and they didn't require me to do the normal testing. It was obvious to the tech guy (and me) that the router had bit the dust. He then told me the repair ticket was for 5:00 P.M. But, to not expect them to show up until early Saturday morning. WHATTTTTTTTTTT?!?! That was soooooooooooooooooooooooo not cool.

I had the annual furnace tune up, scheduled for the morning, so I decided, since I couldn't get any work done (I do have work to do on the computer -- besides checking facebook -- haha!) I would fold the two loads of the laundry, that were parked on the floor. I got that all done, and started another load of laundry and had to wait some more. Needless to say, time moves very slowly when you don't have the instant gratification and "time suck" of the internet taking up your life.

The furnace guy finished about 10:30 and I proceeded with nonsense business. I put in a movie around 1:00. And it sucked!!!!! And I didn't have the internet to buffer the dumbness of it all.

At 2:45 I heard a vehicle and much to my delighted surprise, the ISP van was here! WHOOOHOO!! They had it fixed in about 5 minutes and then they were gone. I got my labels done, etc.... And was feeling good, until it was brought to my attention the wireless network had not been turned on. Thankfully the hubby was home and he knows what to do. With the help of the ISP phone tech guy, that was remedied in less than 10 minutes. Crisis averted! Phewwwwwwww!

And on a side note, we didn't see any snow. It was warmish today and the sun was out. Which has been a rarity of late. Have a lovely weekend and "Happy Mother's Day" to you mother's out there!!

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