Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What an Amazing Story! And This Book Was Great, Too...

My sister borrowed the movie "Temple Grandin," from her MIL, which she then let me borrow. The movie was amazing. It is a PG rated film made by HBO.  Temple is a girl, who is autistic and her mother was told she wouldn't ever speak, when she was 4 years old. And then it goes on from there...  You will have to watch it and see how she progressed. I don't want to give anything away.
  I am considering buying it, so my children can see how a young woman, with big challenges can persevere, through persistence and hard work. 

I also picked up the book "Son of Hamas" by Mossan Hassan Yousef.  It was an eye opening account of a potential radical Muslim becoming a follower of Jesus Christ. In my opinion this side of the story is rarely reported on by the current mainstream media.  Also the paperback edition has a new chapter, with even more information.  A must read.

On a side note... A friend of mine brought it to my attention that there is a possibility for snow Wednesday night and Thursday. I am NOT impressed, to say the least. IT'S MAY!!! Snow is not allowed. I forbid it! I will certainly keep everyone posted, on this inclement weather.

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