Friday, March 23, 2012

YOWCH! That hurts. And why do I start things I don't like to finish.

Since my dearest mother was coming over today, I decided to find something incredibly delicious to make for dessert. The theme was coffee. My thinking was to break out that last of the coffee crumble ice cream and make something worthy, since there is still a half of a half gallon of Vienna Mocha Chunk, that still needs eaten.  I whipped out my handy "Maxwell House" cookbook and found "Triple Mocha Brownies."  That's gotta be good, right?! Anywayyyyy.... After I baked the first brownie layer, I added the next sugary, coffee, chocolate layer.  I then grabbed the pan and realized IT.WAS.HOT!!!!! YOWCH!!! I'm trying to figure out if my brain is slow or if it is fast. The options are: 1. I was a dunce and grabbed it, when I knew it was hot. Therefore I'm slow. OR 2. I didn't drag it too far away from the oven, so I could plunk it back down without too much damage to me or the a pan. Therefore I am quick. Hmmmmmmmm..... I'm not sure I want any feedback on this. Becuzzzz, I am sure someone will say something smart@ss and say that I am in fact slow.

Needless to say the triple mocha brownies with the awesome coffee ice cream were DEEEEE-LICIOUS!!!!!!

And in case you cared. My fingers do NOT hurt. There were no lasting burns.  Thank you very much.

As I was getting the ingredients out to make this fine dessert, I finally came to the conclusion that I should organize the cupboards. There are three cupboards with three levels. The bottom two levels have the various spices, baking stuff, etc. The top level is full of miscellaneous crap that I haven't thrown away or can't part with. I figured I would kill two birds with one stone and organize the cupboards while baking the brownies, before my Mom showed up.  Upon pulling out most of the spices I realized that the contact paper that has been in there since like foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrr is looking kinda grimy.  Who in the H-E-double hockey sticks wants to take the time and replace that mess?!?!!?  Certainly not me and my Mom was going to be there any second (any excuse will work for me at this point.)  I am all about half @ssing whenever possible. I stuffed everything back in there "correct" spots.

This is actually the neatest shelf. Everything fits just so, three deep.  

When I was hoeing out the cupboard I came upon some spices that I have no idea what they are for.  Beau Monde and coriander to name two. I have heard of coriander, but, not how to use it. I also found a full thing of curry powder. I must have been having an adventurous moment, when I bought it. But, I don't know what to do with that either. And who buys "brown gravy mix"?  Well, me. But, that is still sitting in there, very unused, too.

I also organized one of the shelf with tea and "Cup a Soups".  

I have yet to determine the "actual" expiration date on the soups. And I will NOT share what are written on the boxes, since they are "old."  And I will admit that I have had a few in the recent months. And I have not gotten sick or a belly ache or anything, so there! I was gonna throw them out, but, after googling it, decided that these were created as a "forever" food and I might need this in case of an apocalypse. Who doesn't need their trusty box of "Cup a Soup" when the sh*t hits the fan?!

Anywhoooooooooo onto another topic. C#2 has proven to be a math brainiac. I am not sure where that came from, since I need a calculator for everything!  She has a lovely Mathalon tomorrow and the note said in not so many words, "We are okay with you bringing folks to watch, but, this is a silent event, so bring a good book to read." You know what that spells?!?!? BORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRINGGGGGG!!  I have done this before with C#1, but, they were nice enough to pass out the math questions for the parents to try and figure out. Since there is no extra money for fun stuff like that now, we parents and other spectators have to entertain ourselves for however long this special event lasts. AND we have to be there at 8:15 a.m. on a Saturday. UGHHHHHHHHHH! For those of you who don't know me -- well, that really sucks for me.  I love to stay up late on the weekend and that clearly is NOT happening tonight.  The only good thing about the whole thing, is that the school where it's at is actually closer than C#1 and C#2's assigned school. Go figure.

Well, that's it for today. I will attempt to be better at blogging more rapidly in the future. But, no promises.

Till next time....


a bit much said...

Um ... isn't coriander just another name for cilantro?

BB said...

No idea. I guess I'll have to google it.