Sunday, March 25, 2012

Oh... Easter Candy.

Dearest C#1 and C#2 have been pestering us for weeks about Easter candy. During this pestering I tried to understand and find out what is the point/meaning behind it. And the bunny?!? What does that have to do with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I "googled"  that very question and came up with some weird explanations.  But, that is just an aside.  I guess whatever makes people happy. Don't get me wrong. I do like Easter candy.  Especially these:

Some people like the creme filled eggs. ICK! Not me! I like the chocolate eggs with the chocolate creme. Double chocolate YUM!!!!!

But, now I have really meandered from the start of this blog.  The dearest hubby and I were at Walmart today, and I decided it was as good of a time as any to stock up on the upcoming "festivities."  Once we returned home we decided to break out a basket and have a "free-for-all" two weeks early. I should note that C#2 had a class sale for chocolates, which will definitely fill the coffers once this batch is quickly wiped out.

This is definitely NOT going to last that long.

In the past couple of weeks, I have "run" into a bunch of past high school classmates. What's really great about it all, is that since I am "friends" with them on Facebook, I already now their current situation.  I.E. They didn't get a good night sleep because their cat puked in their bed, or they ate a whole bag of chips (or candy or a whole cake or all of the above) and they feel the need to run 10 miles to work it off, or they are newly single and newly happy (or unhappy or rejoicing or content or whatever.)  The list goes on and on....  Everyone bashes FB, but, it has made these short mini "reunions" not so awkward and weird.

There are a few things that are slightly (sometimes more than slightly) annoying. You have those who emote about how wonderful their life is. "My life is perfect, everyone should be jealous of me and worship me, blah blah blah." My question for those peeps is -- if you're so dang happy why are you on FB ALL.OF.THE.TIME?! Hmmmmmmmm?!??!  Of course, I do spend too much time on FB, too. Maybe I'm a hypocrite. So sue me.  There is also the other side of the coin.  But, at least that side isn't braggin' all the time.  

Anywhooooo... Enough ranting about that. While I was "brainstorming" I packaged up my parcels for the post lady to pick up tomorrow. She's gonna love me (NOT) since, I scheduled a pick up. This was because of a very heavy priority mail box that will not fit in my mailbox or hang nicely off of the mailbox or anything like that.  Here's the beautiful pile:

I am sure I will be adding to it in the morning.

Till next time...

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