Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I am the best wife EVAAA!

My darling hubby pre-ordered the video game Mass Effect 3.

 He was very excited to get it and informed me it was going to be in on Tuesday. Meaning ---- can you get it for me. I was justttttt over in that area on Friday and had no real reason to go out. With gas prices at almost $4.00 a gallon, I definitely needed to multitask this trip or that game gets even more expensive by the mile!

Hmmmmmmm.... What to do?! What to do?!  AHHAAAA!  I would just invite myself over to my folks' house. I'd get free coffee and breakfast. And I would be half way to my destination.  I called my Mom and she gave me a green light for the invasion. WhooHoo!

Then, I had to figure out what else I could do to make the trip more worth my while.  C#1 and C#2 were annoyed at me last night, because I put a cease and desist order on the chocolate mint ice cream.  C#1 has turned into a bottomless pit and has no sense of "sharing" or making sure it's okay to eat IT ALL!  And then C#1 informed me that we having nothing to eat for breakfast. Seriously?!  What he should have said is, "I am picky and miserable in the morning and nothing will make me happy."  He has taken to eating applesauce on a regular basis. I buy the small single serve containers for their lunches and he had finished those off the night before. So I asked the darling child if he would like me to purchase some more of those. He said, "Yes."  And settled for a cereal bar.  All that to say, I had done some multitasking magic! I had found a reason to hit my favorite Sam's/Walmart combo.  And I should mention that the hubby had asked for some "good and plenty" candy, which means I would have to go to Walmart to purchase that healthy item.

I am happy to report that I hit the game store, got the game, hit my favorite consignment shop, consigned six items, looked through the clothes, bought NOTHING (don't faint), cashed a postal money order, and bought some booze in 30 minutes time! Then I buzzed through Sam's club. Bought the applesauce and some other stuff and spent less than $50.00!!! Another true MIRACLE!! THEN I went to Walmart and saved $2.60 with this week's ads. I got $1.00 a dozen eggs and $2.00 a bag cheese. And then I bought that mint ice cream, so that everyONE could have some with brownies. I had  a small bowl of it this evening and it was A-MAZING!

It took some major self control to NOT buy oreos, since I happened upon a oreo cookie brownie recipe. I thought it would be better for my health and my butt, if I just left them at the store.

What makes this multitask trip even better is that I was home before 12:30, so I had plenty of time to get some work done!! Of course, I couldn't stop procrastinating. I am not really sure what my problem was. I still have piles and piles and piles of books. This is one of the nearest many stacks:

I am happy to report that sales are going great. Although, I am not sure my mail lady is really appreciating it. I mail them media mail and they are hea-vvvvy!! I still have tonsssssssssssssssssssssssss in my library/junk room.

I am also almost done reading the book They Thought They Were Free. 

It was an interesting read. Not an easy one. I could see quite a few parallels in the German community and in our present day US of A. Thankfully I'm almost done, since, my interest is waning a bit.  On a side note, I brought this book with me to Panera a couple weeks back.  The cover is a little bit alarming, if you don't realize what it's about.  It started up a conversation with a random stranger, who was a history teacher. Her parents were from Germany and she had some interesting things to say.

Anyway, there you have it. What I've been up to for the last couple of days.

Till next time....


Anonymous said...

Sounds like we were traveling the same roads today! The book looks interesting ... reminds me of the time I was reading the bio of Hitler in the doc's office. He nearly blew a gasket, until I assured him I was only reading it to better understand history, NOT in admiration of the man. I've blown thru 2 of the books here, and started the 3rd at the dentist's today.

BB said...

I will have to find some more for you. You know I have a never ending supply of books...