Tuesday, February 14, 2012

"The Vow"

My BFF and I had a last minute Valentine's Day "date" today and we went to see the new movie, "The Vow."  We were going to be all cheap and do something at my house, but, her time is short (aka she's moving away soon) and we thought we should get this "in," before she's gone.

 I saw that it had mediocre reviews, but, I was willing to give it a shot. I love Rachel McAdams.  It looked like my kind of movie full of tragedy, drama and love.  And after seeing it, I am glad I wasn't going into it expecting it to be "The Notebook". Because it clearly was not.  "The Notebook" is mostly in the past tense. "The Vow" was mostly in the present. It focused on the wife's recuperation after a car accident and her serious case of amnesia.

The story was interesting, but, there was no chemistry between the two leads. Which I guess makes sense, since she did have amnesia. The struggles between the husband and wife seemed plausible and awful.  But, I don't want to give anything away.

The ending wasn't that great either. It was okay. But, just okay. I guess my standards for "chick flicks" are set too high. Thankfully it was a cheapo matinee, so I wasn't out too much. AND it will save me from buying the DVD.

The thing that resonated with me the most was the saying, "Life's all about moments of impact, and how they change our lives forever."  I can completely relate to that in so, sooooooooooooooooo many ways.

While this movie wasn't a complete stinker, I will not be buying it on DVD or needing to see it, again.  But that is just my opinion.

Till next time...


Anonymous said...

Well ... It's good to know that I won't be missing much on that one. They sure do play it up like it's going to be great. Are movie critics and politicians cut from the same cloth?

BB said...

It would appear so... I really wanted to like this one, too. Booooo!