Saturday, February 18, 2012


Laundry is the dreaded task. I have happily assigned C#1 and C#2 to do it on a biweekly basis. However, there is still a problem. Socks.  Except for me when it becomes an issue with the dear hubby. I feel their pain with the folding of the laundry.  I know how annoying it is to pair the socks.  It is especially burdensome when my socks and C#1's socks are similar. Not all of them, but, a few.  I am sure there has been some sock sharing in the past. I don't care. When one of those cohabiting socks turns up brown, from stomping in the mud -- they are easily matched to C#1's clothes pile.

I spent a good part of the morning folding socks.  It felt like I folded fifty gazillion and one of those pesky rascals. Not my idea of fun.

Now there is a new rule with the laundry. "It would be nice if you folded the socks. Maybe just yours when you come across them?!? However, it has become a perpetual problem with your Dad. His are the easiest to match, so you MUST fold his!!!"  We shall see if this new mandate works.  Now I just need to go out and buy EVERYone a new pack of underwear.  This way there won't be a shortage of that fine piece of clothing, either.

(this is not a picture of MY pile of socks. But, it would be if I didn't step in and intervene on a continuous basis.)

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