Monday, February 6, 2012

Chicken Cordon Bleu and Quiche. Delish!

I had no big plans for "The Game." But, I did have plans for the numerous lunch meat and cheese "leftovers." I try to make lunch interesting for the lunch taking peeps. Emphasis on TRY. But, that usually means that once the week or a half week is through, they are tired of whatever was on the daily menu. It should be stated that I do make the same-thing-every-day-for-the-entire-week.

I am not a short order cook and mornings are incredibly annoying any way. C#1 and C#2 refuse to use their alarms and I refuse to enforce it and they usually like to refuse to get out of bed. But, that is definitely straying from the "story."

Soooooooooo... In order to use up said "leftovers," I decided on "Chicken Cordon Bleu." It was a trusty Mr. Food recipe that I have used before AND I even smashed out the chicken breasts to their appropriate size. The only thing I did different was use half seasoned bread crumbs and half panko bread crumbs. If you have not tried panko bread crumbs, you really should. THEY.ARE.AMAZING!!!! Here is the final product:

Then I had a stray baked pie crust to use. The last time this happened I made some kick @ss quiche a la Julia Child (I think I may have mentioned it.) Any way, I did basically the same thing as before. I substituted feta cheese for bleu cheese. I am NOT a fan of bleu cheese. But, then I had some leftover pimento and cheddar cheese deliciousness from the sandwiches I had made previously. So I added that to the mix as well! All I can say is it tasted AWWWWWWESOMEEEE!!! No one else would touch it, but, I don't even care. MORE for ME!!!

And here's a picture of those super delicious french onion soup and the pimento/cheddar cheese sandwiches I made, last week:

Now I am not liking the scale one bit. I am determined to kick my re-addiction to Salt and Vinegar chips, too. I just need to stop cooking. OR stop caring, since I do enjoy eating WAY too much.

Till next time!


a bit much said...

I totally GET it!

a bit much said...

(that was meant for the Germophobe, but I DO totally get the cheese addiction, as well)

BB said...

I definitely do have cheese addiction. It's the best! I hadn't realized how cheesy all those dishes were, until you mentioned it, either.