Sunday, February 12, 2012

I saved almost $10 at Walmart without coupons!

And without any grocery store shopping card. I know...  $10.00 isn't a ton of money, but, every bit counts. I get the weekly ads from the other grocery stores and I used to ignore them. Come to find out Walmart will match most anything (I guess they have been doing that since forever, but, I finally got a clue.)  So, now I look forward to the ads and pore through them to see what I can find on sale.  Then on whatever day I decide to go out with ALL of the store ads in hand I head to Walmart. I should mention I dog ear the page and use a Sharpie pen to circle the items I am looking for.  This is also a task better done alone, since, it can be a little time consuming.  Last week's biggest savings was on cereal.  One of the grocery stores had four different kinds of cereal on sale at $1.50 each. This same cereal was $2.98 at Walmart. ChaCHING!!  I stuck to the allowable amount of four boxes. The other big savings was Sargento cheese. It was on sale for $1.99 and at Walmart the price was $2.68, I think. Another ChaCHING!  And then I saved a measly .30 cents on Nutella. The other stuff I was considering was actually cheaper AT Walmart. No ad needed.

I should mention I hate "shopping around." I would rather suffer Walmart and get EVERYthing that I haven't already gotten at Sam's Club and call it a day.

So there you have it. My new "fun" thing to do. Laterrrrrrrrrrrr!

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