Friday, February 24, 2012

Just in case you didn't believe me...

When I said I had loads and loads of books and a tremendous mess in the library, aka junk/mess room. Here you go:

This is what C#2 is getting rid of. Sadly for her some of those or should I say MOST of those were mine before she was born.

The random assortment that made it upstairs to eventually be listed.

More upstairs assortment.

Here is are the picked over children's book cases. Still a TON left.

Still MORE children's books.

And a stash underneath the photo albums stacked in 3-4 book lengths deep.

Adult books and miscellaneous crap. These are stacked two books deep. The reason my dearest complained, because, it is impossible to find anything....


And more still. This isn't even showing the bottom two rows which are equally stacked.

And the bins of books, that are actually for sale. I have soooooooo much work to do...

Here's the link again if you want to help ease my pain:

Although at this point it does seem pointless. There.are.just.too.toooooo.many.

Onto another topic. Today I went to Walmart with the trusty ads in hand. I am sad to say I only saved $1.50 this week. Only two of the items that I had highlighted were actually less in an ad. It really makes me wonder why people shop anywhere else. I know. Everyone hates Walmart ---- EXCEPT ME!!  It is sad, but, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh so true.

After my lovely Walmart adventure I met up with my dear BFF who is moving to a galaxy far, far away very, very soon. I was extra hungry early this morning, so I had already eaten breakfast. Soooooo... I decided for second breakfast I would have cheesecake. YES!! CHEESECAKE!!!!! 
I think the waitress said it was Bavarian, but, I might be wrong. It was sooooooo good! 

And this is what my BFF had:

Belgium waffles with vanilla ice cream, strawberries and a whole lotta whipped cream.

Here's hoping that we can meet up a couple more times before her impending departure. Because that will be a sad, sadddddd day.

Till next time....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Books are heavy. If you remove all that weight, your house may float into outer space!