Thursday, December 1, 2011


Not done. The house that is. But, I am being patient for last week's holiday. Of course, it is December which seems WAY to late to be doing siding. However, I would like it DONE!

This week was mildly entertaining. Monday I had my car inspected. Did I ever mention how much I hate the annual car inspection? Well, let me repeat myself. I.HATE.GETTING.MY.CAR.INSPECTED. Thankfully, by the grace of God, it passed with no extra work. However, the hubs car wasn't so lucky. But, thankfully we were aware of this issue -- $500+ later.

Then on Tuesday, I had C#2's parent/teacher conference. I wasn't overly concerned, but, it's almost, almosttttt as bad as going to the dentist. C#2 has had decent grades, but, I don't know what happens the rest of the day. To my delight, I got in there and her teacher showed me her report card (which I had already seen.) She says, "C#2 is great. I loved C#1 (C#1 had the same teacher in the same grade.) But, I lovvvvvvvvvvvvveeeee C#2!" She really said that. I made sure to share with the hubby, but, made sure C#1 didn't hear, even though it was ALL good. Sooooooo, after my two minute parent/teacher meeting and with 28 minutes left, we chatted about the end of the year trip and random nonsense to take up the time.  I should mention I very much like her teacher and the co-teacher (there are two teachers and they work together to give the kids a taste of switching classes etc.) She said if she could stay with this particular class all the way through she would. I wish she could, too!!! Especially since after this year the teachers get a little tricky. Teachers these days. Sheeeeeeshhhhh!!!  I do have a story to tell but, I will save it for another day.  I do appreciate all the hard work that they do, but, sometimes, they make me wonder. You know what I mean!! Don't deny it!

Anyway, that is it for this week. I might have to venture out this week, but, am hoping (praying) for a phone call from the contractor to finish up the job. I've got my fingers and toes crossed.


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