Monday, December 26, 2011

Of course it's breakfast.

They have oatmeal and milk with just a touch of chocolate in them.

Yes. Fudge and No Bakes Cookies are breakfast.  Well, they were for Christmas Eve.  And have been ever since.

I did make five gazillion cookies during the "cookie marathon." But, apparently I didn't make the right ones. Or we just needed more. I am going with the just needed more, since, the previous gazillion cookies are practically gone.  My bro casually mentioned that he wanted these cookies and my SIL has a very serious aversion to peanut butter. So, me being the wonderful sister, made the ultimate sacrifice and "no" baked these cookies. C#2 became my official sous chef and did a perfect job with the mixing and "cookie dropping."  They were/are delicious!

The Christmas Eve party was a complete success. Which means, we all acted like goof balls and ate lots of food.  I would post pictures, but, I wouldn't want to embarrass anyone.  Well, I would, but, I'd have to ask permission to post those endearing photos.

Oh! And I got "The Help." And the darling hubby watched it with me and he even liked it. 

So there you have it. A very short blurb about the last couple of days.

1 comment:

Ginger said...

I need to see that movie still, and love no bake cookies ;)