Friday, December 23, 2011

Plans... What plans?

So yesterday, the lovely C#2 woke up to an earache. This child has an annual ear infection (sometimes two) and I guess we were due. I had made plans with my BFF to meet up for lunch, so now it was a wait and see if that was going to actually happen......

Thankfully they have very early walk-ins at the local doctor's office. But, the trick is to get there early, but, not so early. If you need to get a prescription, you have to wait until the pharmacy opens at 9:00 a.m.  We got there around 7:30 and I was still going over the insurance information when the nurse called C#2 back to start her check-up. The doc showed up only a few minutes later (which in my book is a miracle -- normally you're waiting there for an eternity.) Her one ear was 60 - 70% packed with earwax and her other had no wax, but, there was an infection. This infection was causing issues with her hearing (and the pain) and I was getting soooooooooooooooo tired of repeating myself.

Anywhoooo, we were outta there in about 20 minutes or less. Therefore it was WAY to early to get the prescription. We headed over to my parent's house. It was either go there or go to a grocery store and spend money on things I don't need. My dad was nice enough to make a new pot of coffee and so we chilled for about 45 minutes.

We got C#2 her prescription and then I took her to school, so she wouldn't miss anything (not that she was missing anything, since it was the day before vacation.)

AND I was able to make my lunch date -- WHOOHOO!!!

I got wonderful Christmas presents from my BFF. Here's a picture of the ornaments. I bet you can guess which one is supposed to be me. And no -- NOT the donut.

And then, we are onto today. The first day of vacation and both C#1 and C#2 had decided to do a half@ss job on their given chores. And then, they both proceeded to argue with me about what the chore actually was. And then, there was some yelling. And then, they were both officially banned from television and video games for the rest of the day (maybe longer.)

I was trying to be a "nice" Mommy and give them grace and lots of breaks. But, to no avail. So now they are both my little house slaves. C#1 has come around and is behaving MUCH better. C#2 --- not so much. Lots of glaring and whining. I will have to remind her I have ZERO patience for that. Yes, ZEROOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!  They had plans for playing video games, maybe watching a movie and just relaxing.  But, now I have other plans for them!!!

I am very interested to see how the rest of the day unfolds.


Anonymous said...

Yep, that's you, all right. Too cute, the little tiny camera in hand!

Ginger said...

Poor c#1 & c#2 ;)