Thursday, December 20, 2012

Poached or Soft Boiled Eggs

Every morning I wake up and have breakfast. Two fried eggs and a cup (or five) of coffee. Every day.

I ask C#1 and C#2 if they want breakfast. I get a resounding, "YES!" But, then they ask what I'm making. Fried eggs. Then I get a chorus of, "Ohhh... Never mind."  I guess they are bored with that.

I recently made poached eggs and I kinda liked eggs cooked that way. I have always, sort of liked soft boiled eggs. Not with too runny whites, because that makes me gack! However, if I cook them just short of  hard boiled they are delicious with butter, salt and pepper.  What I hate about soft boiled eggs is the shell. I always have many a crunchy bite and that makes me gack, too.

So today, I decided to try poached eggs. I added salt and a splash of vinegar to the water before the eggs. It seems like I read somewhere you're supposed to do that?!?! I don't know. But, I'll try anything.  I put two eggs in a small bowl and slowly poured them into boiling water.  I didn't do that lovely swirl thing that I've read about. I just plunked them in and let it roll.

The eggs whites are all swirly, but, they aren't too crazy.  I let them cook for 3-5 minutes. No clue exactly, since I got distracted and stopped watching the clock, per usual.

I then used a slotted spoon and removed them from the water.

Put a slab of butter on the eggs with salt/pepper.

I can happily say that they tasted great! Especially without that annoying soft boiled crunch. 

I have now found a new way (for me) to make my normal morning ritual of eggs.  I know I am a complete dunce to just be figuring out that these taste great. But, better late than never.

Till next time...


Anonymous said...

What? No toast fingers with lemon curd to go with those eggs?

BB said...

I need to buy lemon curd and then there would be toast fingers and lemon curd with my poached eggs. :)